ClOH!ned as eerie cOH!pies and precOH!nditioned with a fearful state of mind most OH!dd specimens of research have a strong urge for self preservatiOH!n. Their tales are ones of randOH!m weirdness, herOH!ic bravery, but alsOH! of creeping terrOH!r. Stuck within a digital dOH!main of loopy characters a few faces turn sOH! pale from fear there is OH!nly a gOH!stly resemblance to their OH!riginal cast. With bewildered minds they look upon a fearless state of imaginatiOH!n in nOH!ne clearly belongs.

Because the tale of Mi belongs to a story of OH!dd. In fact sOH! OH!dd and out of character it seems very unlikely to believe in Mi sane.

COH!lor cOH!des are hiding to hatch outside of contrOH!l in this dOH!main. Far into the deepest fauna of imaginatiOH!n and urban cityscapes of digi-physical art installations and pop-up pOH!rtals, they are mapped out to be treasure hunted in riddles. The mOH!st bewildered OH!dd keys with whereabouts are waiting for you to be explOH!red and cOH!llected. Treasure as OH!dd gems, or bringing you the magic of good fortunes and good vibes OH!nly.

Because this space of belonging is needed for when OH!dd minds lajk Mi are about to burst. A dOH!main OH!ff limits beyOH!nd the bOH!rderline of fear where nOH! secrets are hushed and cOH!-exist. Where stOH!ries of OH!dd identities awOH!ken are treasure hunted as rare cOH!llecibles with a unicOH! tOH!ken. Unleashing new great adventures yet unspOH!ken.