Have you ever been told you’re too much? Too loud, too sensitive, too ambitious, too different? If so, welcome to the club. Society loves a well-behaved, toned-down, blend-into-the-background kind of person—but guess what? That was never meant to be you.

For years, I played small. I let others take the spotlight while I hid in the shadows, convinced that my creativity, my emotions, and my voice were things that needed to be contained. I even had someone I dated say, “I like the way you tell me a lot of things.” Cute, right? Until later, when I realized I was being shamed for expressing myself, for writing too much, for feeling too deeply. He had never met someone who wrote as much as me—and instead of appreciating it, he tried to edit me. He wanted me to shrink, to simplify, to become more basic so I could fit neatly into his low-effort world.

But here’s what I finally realized: I was never too much. He was just not enough to handle me.

You Were Never Made to Blend In

Somewhere along the way, many of us were taught that being likable means being easy to digest. That standing out too much is dangerous. That confidence should be humble and dreams should be realistic.

Forget that.

You were not born to be a background character in someone else’s story. You were born to be the main event.

The things that make you too much? That’s your secret sauce. The quirks, the extra, the emotions, the way you take up space—those are the things that make you iconic. Trying to erase them to fit someone else’s expectations is like clipping a unicorn’s horn so it can pass as a regular horse. Unforgivable.

Break Free From the Copy-Paste Life

Social media is a giant mood board of copy-paste aesthetics. Everyone trying to fit into the same algorithm-approved mold. The same curated, safe version of success.

But you? You’re here to rewrite the script.

Owning your magic means breaking free from the idea that you need to be like anyone else to be loved, seen, or successful. It means stopping the edits and embracing the full-length version of yourself—every bold, unfiltered, extra-glittery part.

How to Own Your “Too Much” Energy

🚀 Take Up Space – Walk like you own the room. Speak like your words matter. Because they do.

📸 Post the Damn Selfie – No overthinking. No apologizing. Just YOU, in full confidence.

👑 Wear What Makes You Feel Powerful – That outfit you’ve been “saving for the right occasion”? Today is the occasion.

💡 Do One Thing That Scares You – Say yes to the opportunity. Start the thing. Take the leap.

🔮 Affirm Your Unicorn Energy – Stand in the mirror and repeat: “I am one of one. I am the rarest magic. The world has never seen someone like me before—and never will again.”

The Ultimate Glow-Up? Stop Shrinking.

Confidence isn’t about never feeling fear. It’s about trusting yourself enough to show up anyway. It’s knowing that even on your worst day, you are still that unicorn.

So if anyone ever tells you that you’re too much? Smile, flip your metaphorical (or actual) unicorn hair, and remind them:

Too much is NEVER enough.

💖 Want to go deeper? Grab my Selfie Glow-Up Workbook for journaling prompts, challenges, and confidence-boosting spells. Let’s level up your selfie, together. ✨

📲 Let’s connect! Tag me on Instagram @angelina.milajki with your biggest glow-up flex!

Angelina Mi Lajki

#TooMuchIsNeverEnough #LevelUpYourSelfie #MainCharacterEnergy #ConfidenceGlowUp

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